Most often you may be confused about 2 look-alike light green or dark green invasive weeds in your garden. These two plants were confusing for me also when I was an undergraduate student. They are...
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Lantana camara is a perennial weed that have lovely flowers. That is why it is also grown in gardens. Lantana is a much-branched, upright, curving, or clambering shrub that typically expands 2-4 m...
Have you seen tough grass with many leg-like stems that looks like a laid-down ocean crab? Crabgrass, a common weed that plagues lawns and gardens, is a persistent nuisance for many homeowners and...
Japanese Knotweed, Giant Hogweed, Kudzu, Water Hyacinth: Introduced Invasive weeds?
Japanese Knotweed, Giant Hogweed, Kudzu and Water Hyacinth have become invasive in new habitats after introducing there
Undesirable plants in a human-managed area such as home yard, garden, lawn, park, crop field, road, house wall, house roof, pond, or even grown on a tree are usually considered as weeds. Usually,...