Why is Bermuda Grass Turning White? Discover Solutions!

Beautiful Bermuda grass lawns are a sight to behold. However, homeowners and lawn enthusiasts may worry when Bermuda grass turns white. Bermuda grass turning white is caused by several factors. We’ll examine why Bermuda grass turns white and how to restore its health in this post. You can restore Bermuda grass to its former glory and enjoy a beautiful, green lawn by understanding the causes and following proper maintenance.

First, we’ll describe Bermuda grass and its traits. Next, we’ll examine the discoloration’s causes, such as water shortages, fungal infections, nutrient deficiencies, and environmental factors. Bermuda grass’s health and appearance depend on each of these factors. After identifying the causes, we’ll find solutions to revive white Bermuda grass. This includes proper lawn maintenance, disease management, soil amendments, and watering.

It’s important to note that some cases of Bermuda grass turning white can be fixed by DIY methods, but others may need professional help. To ensure your Bermuda grass’s long-term health and vitality, we will advise you when to seek professional help. Bermuda grass discoloration can be overcome to maintain a lush, green lawn. So let’s explore the causes and solutions to restore your Bermuda grass’s beauty and create a vibrant outdoor space.

picture of a Bermuda grass plant with runner and roots

Understanding Bermuda Grass

Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon) is a warm-season grass widely known for its resilience and adaptability. Due to its tolerance for different soil conditions and capacity to withstand heavy foot traffic, it is a preferred option for lawns, sports fields, and golf courses. Understanding the characteristics and requirements of Bermuda grass is necessary to keep it healthy and guard against problems like discoloration.

a) Description of Bermuda Grass:

Bermuda grass is a fine-textured, perennial grass native to Africa. It has a substantial root system, which enables it to tolerate drought conditions and recover quickly from damage. The grass spreads through above-ground stolons and below-ground rhizomes, enabling it to form a dense turf.

b) Characteristics of Healthy Bermuda Grass:

Healthy Bermuda grass exhibits several key characteristics:

  • Vibrant Green Color: Healthy Bermuda grass features a rich green color, indicating sufficient chlorophyll production and optimal growth.
  • Dense Growth: The grass forms a thick, dense turf that crowds out weeds and provides a lush, uniform appearance.
  • Drought Tolerance: Bermuda grass has excellent drought tolerance, thanks to its deep root system, enabling it to survive in arid conditions.

Sun-loving Nature: Bermuda grass thrives in full sunlight and requires a minimum of 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day.

c) Factors Affecting Bermuda Grass Health:

To maintain the health and vigor of Bermuda grass, several factors must be considered:

  • Sunlight: As a warm-season grass, Bermuda grass relies on ample sunlight for photosynthesis and growth. Inadequate sunlight can weaken the grass and lead to discoloration.
  • Watering: Proper watering practices are crucial for Bermuda grass health. Overwatering or underwatering can cause stress and contribute to discoloration.
  • Soil Conditions: Bermuda grass thrives in well-drained, slightly acidic to neutral pH soil conditions. Soil compaction and nutrient imbalances can affect its health.
  • Maintenance Practices: Regular mowing, aeration, and dethatching are essential for promoting healthy Bermuda grass growth and preventing issues like thatch buildup.

By understanding the natural characteristics and requirements of Bermuda grass, you can create optimal conditions for its growth and prevent the occurrence of white discoloration. In the next section, we will delve into the various causes of Bermuda grass turning white, helping you effectively identifying and addressing the underlying issues.

Causes of Bermuda Grass Turning White

Bermuda grass turning white can be attributed to several factors, ranging from water deficiency to fungal infections and nutrient deficiencies. Understanding these causes is crucial for implementing the appropriate solutions and restoring the health and vibrant green color of your Bermuda grass.

1. Lack of Water:

Insufficient water supply is a common cause of Bermuda grass discoloration. When deprived of proper hydration, the grass goes into a state of stress, leading to a pale or white appearance.

  1. Signs of water deficiency: Bermuda grass blades may curl, become brittle, or turn white or straw-colored. Footprints or mower tracks may also remain visible for an extended period due to slow recovery.
  2. Tips for watering Bermuda grass effectively: Water deeply and infrequently to encourage deep root growth. Aim for approximately 1 inch of water per week, including rainfall. Water in the early morning to reduce evaporation and minimize disease risks.

2. Fungal Infections:

Various fungal diseases can affect Bermuda grass, leading to discoloration and the appearance of white patches on the grass blades.

  1. Symptoms of fungal infections: In addition to white patches, signs may include irregularly shaped spots, thinning grass, and the presence of fungal growth (e.g., powdery or fluffy substances).
  2. Preventive measures and treatment options: Ensure proper soil drainage, avoid overwatering, and promote good air circulation. Fungicides and cultural practices like proper mowing height and removing thatch can help control fungal infections.

3. Nutrient Deficiencies:

Insufficient availability of essential nutrients can weaken Bermuda grass, resulting in discoloration and poor growth.

  1. Common nutrient deficiencies: Nitrogen deficiency is often a primary cause of Bermuda grass turning white. Other nutrients like iron, potassium, and magnesium deficiencies can also contribute to discoloration.
  2. Fertilization techniques: Conduct a soil test to identify nutrient imbalances and deficiencies. Use a balanced fertilizer with the appropriate ratio of nutrients for Bermuda grass. Follow recommended application rates and timing for optimal absorption and growth.

4. Environmental Factors:

Environmental conditions can impact the health and appearance of Bermuda grass, leading to discoloration.

  1. Extreme temperatures: Excessive heat, particularly coupled with drought stress, can cause Bermuda grass to turn white or go dormant.
  2. Excessive sunlight exposure: While Bermuda grass thrives in full sunlight, prolonged exposure to intense sunlight without adequate moisture can lead to discoloration and stress.
  3. Strategies to protect Bermuda grass: Provide shade where possible, ensure proper irrigation during hot weather, and avoid mowing during extreme heat.

By understanding the causes of Bermuda grass turning white, you can diagnose the specific issue affecting your lawn. In the next section, we will explore effective solutions and strategies for reviving white Bermuda grass, restoring its health and vibrant green color.

Solutions for Reviving White Bermuda Grass

Reviving white Bermuda grass requires addressing the underlying causes of discoloration and implementing appropriate solutions. By following these effective strategies, you can restore the health and vibrancy of your lawn.

A) Watering Practices:

Proper watering is crucial for revitalizing Bermuda grass and preventing discoloration.

  1. Guidelines for proper irrigation: Water deeply and infrequently to encourage deep root growth. Provide approximately 1 inch of water per week, including rainfall. Adjust watering frequency based on soil type and weather conditions.
  2. Tips to avoid overwatering or underwatering: Monitor soil moisture levels using a soil moisture meter or by performing a screwdriver test. Adjust watering schedule accordingly to avoid waterlogged or drought-stressed conditions.

B) Disease Management:

Addressing fungal infections is essential for restoring Bermuda grass to its healthy state.

Identification and treatment of fungal diseases: Identify the specific fungal disease affecting your lawn through visual inspection or by consulting a professional. Treat the lawn with appropriate fungicides according to label instructions. Implement cultural practices such as proper mowing height, adequate air circulation, and removal of thatch to minimize disease risks.

C) Soil Amendments:

Ensuring proper soil health and nutrient balance is vital for Bermuda grass recovery.

  1. Soil testing: Conduct a soil test to identify nutrient deficiencies and pH imbalances. This will help you choose the most appropriate amendments.
  2. Recommended soil amendments and fertilizers: Based on the soil test results, apply a balanced fertilizer formulated for Bermuda grass, providing essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Additionally, address specific nutrient deficiencies by using targeted fertilizers or soil amendments like iron supplements or magnesium-rich products.
  3. Application techniques: Follow recommended application rates and timing to avoid over-fertilization. Apply fertilizers evenly and water thoroughly after application for optimal nutrient absorption.

D) Maintenance Practices:

Implementing proper maintenance practices helps promote Bermuda grass health and prevent discoloration.

  1. Mowing techniques: Set the mower to the recommended height for Bermuda grass, typically around 1.5 to 2 inches. Cutting the grass shorter than a third of its length at a time reduces stress on the plant. Regular mowing promotes lateral growth and helps maintain a dense turf.
  2. Aeration and dethatching: Perform core aeration to alleviate soil compaction and improve water and nutrient penetration. If excessive thatch has built up, consider dethatching to allow better airflow and reduce disease risks.
  3. Overall lawn care tips: Ensure proper lawn nutrition, control weeds effectively, and minimize stress factors like excessive foot traffic or equipment damage. Follow a consistent lawn care schedule and address any issues promptly.

By implementing these solutions and adopting proactive lawn care practices, you can revive white Bermuda grass and restore its lush, vibrant green color. However, if the discoloration persists or if you encounter challenges in the restoration process, it is advisable to seek assistance from a professional lawn care service.


In conclusion, Bermuda grass turning white can be caused by factors such as water deficiency, fungal infections, nutrient deficiencies, and environmental stressors. Identifying the underlying causes and implementing the appropriate solutions is crucial for restoring the health and beauty of your Bermuda grass.

Through proper watering practices, disease management, soil amendments, and diligent maintenance, you can revive white Bermuda grass and enjoy a vibrant and lush lawn once again. Remember to follow the recommended guidelines and consult professionals when needed to ensure the long-term health and vitality of your Bermuda grass.

By investing time and effort into caring for your Bermuda grass, you can create a stunning outdoor space that brings joy and enhances the overall aesthetics of your home.

To know more about Bermuda Grass read the article here.

A B M Zahidul Hoque

I'm the owner of weedsingardens.com. After completing my bachelor of science in agriculture, I have joined as a scientist at Bangladesh Jute Research Institute (BJRI) under the Ministry of Agriculture, Bangladesh. I started Weeds in Gardens to make you familiar with different weeds and their positive and negative aspects.

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