Do Birds Eat Grass Seeds? How to protect grass seed from birds?

Birds are fascinating creatures, and their feeding habits are a source of intrigue for many people. Understanding what birds eat is important in order to create a suitable habitat and provide them with the necessary nutrition.
Grass seeds are a staple food source for many bird species and play a crucial role in their survival. For good health and growth, birds need a balanced diet, and grass seeds can provide important nutrients like protein and carbs.
In this article, we will explore whether birds eat grass seeds and the factors that determine their consumption. We will also examine the nutritional value of grass seeds and the different bird species that commonly eat them. There will also be advice on how to get birds to eat grass seeds in your backyard.

Birds are eating grass seed

Common bird species that eat grass seeds

Grass seeds are an essential food source for various bird species, including sparrows, finches, quails, doves, and buntings. The nutritional benefits of consuming grass seeds help to support their overall health and well-being.

Sparrows are eating grass seed

Sparrows: Sparrows are one of the most common bird species that consume grass seeds. They are omnivores and feed on a variety of food sources, including insects, seeds, and fruits. Grass seeds provide an important source of nutrition for sparrows, particularly in the winter months when other food sources may be scarce.

Finches are eating grass seed

Finches: Finches, such as goldfinches and house finches, also consume grass seeds. These small, colorful birds are primarily seed-eaters and will feed on a variety of seeds, including those from grasses.

Quails are eating grass seed

Quails: Quails are ground-dwelling birds that feed on a variety of food sources, including grass seeds. These seeds provide important nutrients, particularly in the winter when other food sources may be scarce.

Doves are eating grass seed

Doves: Doves, such as mourning doves, also consume grass seeds. These birds consume numerous types of seeds, fruits, and insects, and grass seeds provide a valuable source of nutrition.

Buntings are eating grass seed

Buntings: Buntings, such as the indigo bunting, are also known to consume grass seeds. These birds feed primarily on seeds and insects, and grass seeds play a significant role in their diet.

Nutritional value of grass seed

Grass seeds are small, hard seeds produced by various species of grass. They are often used for landscaping and agriculture purposes and are a common food source for many bird species.
The composition of grass seeds varies depending on the type of grass, but they typically contain a mixture of carbohydrates, protein, fiber, and fats. Additionally, grass seeds may contain vitamins and minerals such as calcium, iron, and vitamins B and E.
For birds, grass seeds provide important nutrients necessary for their survival. The carbohydrates in grass seeds provide energy, while the protein and fats support the growth and maintenance of their bodies. Consuming grass seeds also helps to maintain healthy plumage, support reproductive health, and improve overall immunity. By including grass seeds, birds can achieve a balanced and nutritious diet to support their health and well-being.

Factors that determine if birds will eat grass seeds

Various factors, including the availability of other food sources, seasonal changes, migration patterns, and natural instincts, influence birds’ consumption of grass seeds. These factors can impact whether birds consume grass seeds or turn to other food sources.

The availability of other food sources is a significant factor in determining if birds will eat grass seeds. If birds have access to an abundance of insects, fruits, or other grains, they may be less likely to consume grass seeds. On the other hand, if other food sources are scarce, birds may turn to grass seeds as a more reliable source of nutrition.

Seasonal changes also play a role in whether birds will consume grass seeds. During the warmer months, birds may have access to a greater variety of food sources and may be less likely to consume grass seeds. During the winter, when other food sources may be scarce, birds may rely on grass seeds for sustenance.

Migration patterns can also impact whether birds will eat grass seeds. Birds that migrate to warmer climates in the winter may have access to a greater variety of food sources, whereas birds that remain in more temperate climates may be more likely to consume grass seeds.

Natural instincts, such as a bird’s preferred diet and feeding habits, also influence whether they will consume grass seeds. Some bird species may have a stronger preference for certain types of seeds or food sources, whereas others may be more opportunistic and consume a wider variety of food.

How to attract birds to eat grass seeds

By offering a variety of food sources, using a bird feeder, offering seed blends, placing a bird bath, and creating a bird-friendly habitat, you can attract a broader range of bird species and increase the likelihood that they will consume grass seeds in your backyard.

Attracting birds to eat grass seeds

Provide a variety of food sources: Offering a variety of food sources, including seeds, fruits, and insects, can attract a broader range of bird species and increase the likelihood that they will consume grass seeds.

Use a bird feeder: Installing a bird feeder in your backyard can make it easier for birds to access grass seeds and other food sources. Ensure the feeder is placed in a location readily visible to birds and protected from the elements.

Offer seed blends: Creating a seed blend that includes grass seeds, and other types of seeds can make them more attractive to birds. This variety can provide a balanced and nutritious diet for birds while also increasing the likelihood that they will consume grass seeds.

Place a bird bath: Providing birds with access to fresh water, such as a bird bath, can make your yard more attractive to birds and increase the likelihood that they will visit to feed.

Create a bird-friendly habitat: Providing bird-friendly habitats, such as nesting boxes and birdhouses, can encourage birds to visit your yard and feed on the available food sources.

Protecting grass seed from birds in newly seeded lawn

By using bird netting, scare tactics, planting grass seeds at the right time, reapplying seeds as needed, installing physical barriers, and applying bird repellent, you can effectively protect your newly seeded lawn from bird damage and ensure the success of your grass seed planting project.

Birds are eating seed from newly seeded lawn

Cover with bird netting: Placing bird netting over newly seeded lawns can help to protect grass seeds from being eaten by birds. Ensure the net is securely fastened to the ground to prevent birds from accessing the seeds.

Use scare tactics: Placing items that make noise, such as plastic owls or reflective tape, can help to scare birds away from newly seeded lawns. These tactics can deter birds but may need to be regularly moved to maintain their effectiveness.

Plant grass seeds at the right time: Planting grass seeds at the appropriate time, such as during the late fall or early spring when birds are less active, can help to reduce the risk of bird damage.

Reapply seeds as needed: If bird damage occurs, reapplying grass seeds can help to ensure that your lawn continues to grow and thrive.

Use physical barriers: Installing physical barriers, such as low fences or barriers made of mesh, around newly seeded lawns can help to prevent birds from accessing the grass seeds.

Apply bird repellent: Using bird repellent sprays or granules can help to deter birds from eating grass seeds in newly seeded lawns. Ensure the repellent is safe for use in your area and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application.

Grass seeds that birds like to eat

Grass seed is a staple food source for many birds, but not all grass seeds are created equal. Some grass seeds are more appealing to birds than others, and understanding which seeds birds prefer can help you create a bird-friendly garden. By creating a bird-friendly garden, you can attract various birds to your yard and provide them with a valuable food source.

Millate seed
Millate seed
  1. Millet: This tiny, round seed is a favorite among many bird species, including doves, finches, and sparrows. It’s easy for birds to pick up and eat, and it provides a good source of nutrition.
Sunflower seed
Sunflower seed
  • Sunflower: Sunflower seeds are another popular bird food, and larger birds like jays and cardinals love them. The shells are tough, but birds can crack them to access the nutritious kernels.
Oat seed
Oat seed
  • Oats: Oats are good for attracting ground-feeding birds like sparrows and doves. They’re easy to eat and provide a good source of energy.
Wheet seed
Wheet seed
  • Wheat: Wheat is a staple food for many birds and is especially popular with sparrows and finches. The seeds are small and easy for birds to pick up, providing a good source of nutrition.

Grass seed that birds don’t like to eat

When planting grass in your yard, choosing seeds appealing to birds is important. Millet, sunflower seeds, oats, and wheat are all good options, while rye, Bermuda grass, and Kentucky bluegrass are less likely to be consumed.

Ray seed
Ray seed
  1. Rye: While rye is a type of grass, it’s not a popular food source for birds. The seeds are tough for birds to eat, so they’re less likely to be consumed.
Bermuda grass seed
Bermuda grass seed
  • Bermuda grass: Bermuda grass is often used in lawns, but it’s not a popular food source for birds. The seeds are small and difficult for birds to pick up and don’t provide much nutrition.
Kentucky Bluegrass seed
Kentucky Bluegrass seed
  • Kentucky bluegrass: Kentucky bluegrass is another type of grass that’s often used in lawns, but it’s not a popular food source for birds. The seeds are small and difficult for birds to pick up and don’t provide much nutrition.


In this article, we explored the topic of birds eating grass seeds, discussing common bird species that consume grass seeds, factors determining whether birds will eat grass seeds, and strategies for attracting birds to your yard. We also covered how to protect newly seeded lawns from bird damage, including bird netting, scare tactics, physical barriers, and bird repellent.
Birds have a complex relationship with grass seeds, and while some birds consume grass seeds as a part of their diet, others may avoid them altogether. Understanding the factors influencing bird feeding habits, such as the type of seed, bird species, and local environment is essential to attracting birds to your yard and protecting newly seeded lawns.
This article provides a solid foundation for further research and observation and encourages bird lovers and gardeners to continue exploring the world of birds and their relationship with grass seeds. Whether interested in attracting birds to your yard or protecting your lawn from bird damage, observing bird behavior and experimenting with different strategies can lead to a deeper understanding of this fascinating topic.

(How to protect grass seed from heavy rain)

A B M Zahidul Hoque

I'm the owner of After completing my bachelor of science in agriculture, I have joined as a scientist at Bangladesh Jute Research Institute (BJRI) under the Ministry of Agriculture, Bangladesh. I started Weeds in Gardens to make you familiar with different weeds and their positive and negative aspects.

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