Why is My Grass Laying Down? Tips to Help It Stand Up

Many homeowners and property managers find it hard to keep their lawns lush and green. Grass that starts to lay down or flatten is a common problem that can leave ugly spots on the lawn. This problem is not only an eyesore, but it can also affect the overall health of the grass. In this article, we will explore the reasons why grass lays down, the effects of this problem, how to identify different grass types, and most importantly, how to keep your grass healthy and upright. By the end of this article, you will better understand the underlying causes of this issue and more importantly, the solutions to help your grass stand up and thrive.


Factors that Cause Grass to Lay Down

Grass can lay down or flatten for various reasons, including weather conditions, soil conditions, and lawn care practices. Here are some of the most common factors that can cause the grass to lay down:

  • Weather conditions:

Weather conditions such as heavy rain, wind, high humidity, and extreme temperatures can cause grass to lie down. For instance, if your lawn experiences a heavy downpour or strong winds, the force can weigh down the blades of grass and cause them to lay down.

  • Soil conditions:

Soil compaction, nutrient deficiencies, and pH levels can also contribute to grass laying down. Soil compaction happens when the soil becomes too dense, making it difficult for roots to grow and for air and water to penetrate the soil. When the roots can’t penetrate the soil, they are unable to support the blades of grass, causing them to lay down. Nutrient deficiencies and pH levels can also affect the growth and health of grass, making it more susceptible to laying down.

  • Lawn care practices:

Lawn care practices such as mowing height, watering, fertilization, and aeration can also cause grass to lay down. If grass is mowed too short, it can stress the roots, making them more susceptible to laying down. Overwatering can also lead to the soil becoming too soft, making it difficult for grass to stand up. Fertilization can also significantly impact grass growth, and if overdone, can lead to excessive growth, making the grass weak and more likely to lay down. Additionally, soil compaction can occur if a lawn is not aerated regularly, making it difficult for the grass to grow and stand up.

Understanding these factors is the first step in determining the cause of your grass laying down, which will help you take the appropriate steps to correct the problem. The next section will discuss the effects of laying down grass.

Effects of Laying Down Grass

When grass lays down, it can significantly impact the overall health and appearance of the lawn. Here are some of the effects of laying down grass:

  • Reduced air and light circulation:

When grass lays down, it can create a dense mat that reduces air and light circulation to the underlying soil. This can lead to soil becoming too moist, and the lack of air can make the soil compact, making it difficult for the grass roots to grow.

  • Increased risk of disease and pest infestations:

A lawn with laying down grass can be more prone to disease and pest infestations, such as fungal diseases and insects, as the compacted soil can provide a favorable environment for pests and pathogens to thrive.

  • Weakened root systems:

When grass lays down, the roots may become weaker and shallower, as they cannot effectively anchor themselves into the soil. This can lead to a weaker root system, making the grass more susceptible to drought and other stresses.

  • Decreased aesthetic appeal:

Laying down grass can make your lawn look patchy, unkempt, and unappealing. This can negatively impact the value of your property and detract from its overall appearance.

It’s important to take corrective action when you notice your grass laying down, to prevent any further damage to your lawn. The next section will discuss identifying different grass types and their tendency to lay down.

Identifying Grass Types and Their Tendencies to Lay Down

Different grass types have different tendencies to lay down and can require extra care and maintenance to prevent this issue. Here are some of the most common grass types and their tendencies to lay down:

  • Kentucky Bluegrass:

Kentucky Bluegrass is a popular cool-season grass that is known for its dense and lush growth. However, it tends to lay down in hot weather, high humidity, or when overwatered. To make overwatered grass stand up read the article here.

  • Bermuda Grass:

Bermuda Grass is a warm-season grass that is known for its durability and drought tolerance. However, it can also lay down if overwatered or mowed too short. You can get more information from the article on Bermuda grass by clicking here.

  • Zoysia Grass:

Zoysia Grass is a warm-season grass that is known for its density and resilience. However, it can also lay down if over-fertilized or mowed too short.

  • Fescue Grass:

Fescue Grass is a cool-season grass that is known for its shade tolerance and ability to withstand heavy foot traffic. However, it can lay down if overwatered or mowed too short.

Identifying the type of grass in your lawn and its tendency to lay down can help you take the necessary steps to prevent this issue. Proper care and maintenance, such as proper watering and mowing practices, can help your grass stand up and thrive. The following section will discuss the steps you can take to keep your grass healthy and upright.

Solutions to Help Grass Stand Up

If you’re noticing your grass laying down, there are several steps you can take to help it stand up and improve its overall health. Here are some solutions to consider:

  • Adjust Your Mowing Practices:

Mowing your lawn too short can cause the grass to lay down. Adjust your mower height to ensure that you’re cutting no more than one-third of the grass blade’s height. This will help keep the grass standing tall and healthy.

  • Water Your Lawn Correctly:

Overwatering your lawn can make the soil soft and prone to compaction, leading to grass laying down. Water your lawn deeply but infrequently to encourage deep root growth and promote a healthy lawn. You can find articles regarding good water practices for grass here.

  • Aerate Your Lawn:

Aerating your lawn can help reduce soil compaction, improve water and nutrient absorption, and promote healthy root growth. It’s recommended to aerate your lawn at least once a year, preferably in the fall or spring. A step-by-step guide to aerate your lawn after rain is here.

  • Fertilize Your Lawn Properly:

Applying too much fertilizer can cause excessive growth, making your grass weak and more susceptible to laying down. Follow the recommended guidelines for fertilization and avoid overdoing it. Avoid applying fertilizer to wet grass. (Why?)

  • Consider Using Lawn Supports:

If you have an area of your lawn that is prone to laying down, you can use lawn supports to help keep the grass standing upright. Lawn supports can be in the form of mesh mats, plastic grids, or stakes.

  • Address Soil Issues:

If your lawn has soil compaction or nutrient deficiencies, addressing these issues is important to promote healthy grass growth. Consider testing your soil to determine what nutrients your lawn may lack.

By following these solutions, you can help your grass stand up and improve your lawn’s overall health and appearance. It’s important to note that each lawn is unique and may require different care and maintenance practices. Consult with a lawn care professional for customized advice on keeping your lawn healthy and upright.

Preventative Measures to Keep Grass Upright

Preventing grass from laying down is often easier than fixing the issue once it has occurred. Here are some preventative measures to keep your grass standing upright:

  • Choose the Right Grass Type:

Choosing the right grass type for your lawn and location can help prevent grass from laying down. Consider factors such as climate, soil type, and sun exposure when selecting the best grass type for your lawn.

  • Reduce Foot Traffic:

Heavy foot traffic can cause grass to lay down and become damaged. To prevent damage, consider installing walkways or limiting foot traffic in high-traffic lawn areas.

  • Monitor Moisture Levels:

Overwatering can cause grass to lay down, but underwatering can also lead to dry, weak grass that is more susceptible to laying down. Monitor the moisture levels of your lawn and water deeply but infrequently to promote healthy root growth.

  • Mow Properly:

Proper mowing practices are crucial for maintaining a healthy lawn. Avoid mowing your lawn too short, as this can cause the grass to lay down and become weak. Mow regularly to maintain a consistent height and remove no more than one-third of the grass blade.

  • Fertilize and Aerate:

Fertilizing and aerating your lawn can help promote healthy grass growth and prevent grass from laying down. Apply fertilizer according to the manufacturer’s guidelines and aerate your lawn at least once a year to reduce soil compaction.

By implementing these preventative measures, you can help keep your grass standing upright and healthy. It’s important to remember that prevention is key when it comes to lawn care, and taking the time to care for your lawn can prevent issues such as grass laying down from occurring in the first place.


Grass laying down can be frustrating for homeowners, but it can be avoided with the right care and preventative measures. Proper lawn care practices, such as choosing the right grass type, reducing foot traffic, monitoring moisture levels, mowing properly, and fertilizing and aerating, can all help keep your grass standing upright and healthy. Remember to consult with a lawn care professional for customized advice on maintaining a healthy lawn that stands tall for years to come.

A B M Zahidul Hoque

I'm the owner of weedsingardens.com. After completing my bachelor of science in agriculture, I have joined as a scientist at Bangladesh Jute Research Institute (BJRI) under the Ministry of Agriculture, Bangladesh. I started Weeds in Gardens to make you familiar with different weeds and their positive and negative aspects.

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